About the Allocations Overview Page: “Redemptions” Tab

The Allocations Overview page provides you with the ability to see all of your allocations information in one place, across redemption types and for a range of fifteen business days.

From the menu bar:

  1. Hover over Allocations.

  2. Click Overview.

  3. Click the Redemptions tab.

You can also click Allocations (Today) on the Dashboard.

When you open the Allocations Overview page, your allocations are categorized by redemption type:

Click any highlighted area of the screen below for information about that area.


1. Last Updated Date and Time

This blue bar contains the latest time at which allocations were made, allowing you to determine how recent the data is. This information will be updated every time an allocation is performed.

If all allocations are complete for the day, the message reads “CASH ALLOCATION IS COMPLETE AND ALL TOTALS ARE FINAL.”

2. Show History / Today / Forecast

Three links above the Allocations data allow you to change the time period for the Allocations page:



3. Expand / Collapse All

Click the Expand All and Collapse All buttons to open and close all twisties on the page (Cash, MMI, and Security [when applicable]). Each twisty is automatically expanded when the page is opened.


4. Cash (USD) and MMI twisties

The Cash and MMI twisties provide the same information.

The first column in either section contains the Event Type. Note that you will only see event types when allocation activity for that type of event either has occurred or is expected to occur.

All redemption event types are included in this column except partial defeasances and partial pre-refundings. Those event types are covered in the Security twisty.

To the right of each section’s Event Type column are the allocation activity types:

The last entry in any column represents the total for that allocation status.

The Total row in the Total Due column provides summary numbers for all cash or MMI allocations on this business day.

Each of these allocation activity types contains two sub-columns: Amount and Count.



5. Security twisty

The Security twisty applies to partial defeasance and partial pre-refunding events only.

Note that the Security twisty does not appear in the forecast view. Security allocation data is available for today and the past seven days.

The Event Type column specifies which event type is represented by a row. To the right of this column are the allocation activity types:

The last entry in any column represents the total for that allocation status.

The Total row in the Total Due column provides a net count for both types of security allocations on this business day.

To see the actual breakdown of allocations, click any hyperlink in a Count column. This brings you to a search results page that lists all of the individual allocations in this particular count. From there, clicking on a CA ID takes you to that event’s Record Detail page.

Note that the value of the Amount column in this table is always “N/A.” Because partial defeasances and partial pre-refundings are allocated into new CUSIPs and not redeemed for cash, “Amount” does not apply.