Lotteries Processed Today Compartment

This compartment displays the current day’s lottery results and whether the position on publication date minus 1 has been affected by the lottery.

A blue icon next to the title provides a definition of this area:

“Lotteries Processed Today is defined as Lottery Swing Date equals today. This information will be available for Partial Calls, Partial Defeasances, Partial Prerefundings, Supplementals, and Concurrent Calls.”

If short positions exist for any lottery events, a message appears below this compartment that reads "Your account is currently short in the Total Free Position.”

This compartment is divided into columns for Type, Selected for Lottery (“affected” events), and Not Selected for Lottery (“unaffected” events). Blue hyperlinks in these columns indicate the number of records for each item type listed on the left. Clicking on these links takes you to a Search Results page for that type.

The types in this compartment are: