About the Security Position Tab

The Security Position tab details the amounts and types of position you have in a particular security for the selected event. It appears at the top of the Record Detail page for active, canceled, and deleted events.

The Security Position tab has five different compartments:

  1. Security Summary. This area displays an overview of the CUSIP status, any CUSIP chills, and dates pertaining to the primary CUSIP in the Record Detail Summary. You can use the Search feature here to change the information displayed on this tab (by business date)

  2. Position Summary. This compartment displays an overview of the total free positions, reserved positions, and other positions related to the primary CUSIP.

  3. Free Positions. This area goes into greater detail regarding free positions for IPOs and non-IPOs, including minimum amounts, net additions, pending accounts, memo segregations, etc.

  4. Other Positions. This compartment displays various other position types including pledged, segregation, and investment ID, as well as called positions and positions particular to reorganizations. You can also access additional details regarding pledged accounts and segregation accounts.

  5. Miscellaneous Positions. This area displays positions that do not fall into the above categories, such as stock loans, repurchase agreements, short exemptions, and long allocations. You can also access additional details regarding stock loan and repurchase agreements.

Click any name above to read more about that compartment.