Activity Details

This twisty is shown on the Settlement Activity Details page.

Click this twisty on the Settlement Activity Details page to view the following information about your selected transaction:

Collateral Group

The collateral group for this transaction.


The CUSIP involved in this transaction.

CUSIP Description

A text description of the CUSIP involved in this transaction.

Contra Client ID

The DTCC Client ID of the contra party involved in the settlement activity.

Contra Collateral Group

The ID number of the contra collateral group involved in this transaction.


Codes for the activity and sub-activity that this transaction represents.

Activity Description

A text description of the activity represented by the code.


An indicator that represents whether you are the delivering or receiving party in this transaction.

Reason Code

The Activity Reason Code.

Reason Code Description

A text description of the reason represented by the code.


A code for the security issue type followed by a code for the security sub-issue type, separated by a hyphen.


The ID number of the entity issuing the security.

Originator Signon

The sign-on ID (“D sign-on”) of the party who performed the action represented in this transaction.

Third Party

The client ID of the third party involved in the event.

Transfer Agent

The transfer agent involved in the transaction.

Pledge Bank

The pledgee bank number involved in the transaction.

Transaction Number

The number of the event’s CA ID followed by a two-digit transaction code. The transaction code is assigned to each individual activity in chronological order.


The ID for this transaction in the Inventory Management System.


The status of the transaction: “Made,” “Pend,” “Drop,” or “Reject.”

Business Date

The date on which the settlement activity occurred.


The time at which the settlement activity occurred.

Trade Date

The date on which the original trade took place

Settlement Date

The settlement date associated with the original transaction.

Settlement Today
Only Indicator

An indicator that specifies whether the activity was settled today.

Loan Date

The date on which the loan was made.

PTA Indicator

A yes/no indicator that specifies whether there is a pending transfer account.

CNS Designation Indicator

A yes/no indicator that specifies continuous net settlement eligibility.

Commercial Paper

A yes/no indicator that specifies whether the CUSIP is a commercial paper security.

Obligation Warehouse
Control Number

The control number for this activity in the Obligation Warehouse.

Force Indicator

A yes/no indication that this is a force transaction.

Look Ahead Indicator

A yes/no indication that this is a look-ahead transaction.

IMS Color Release

The IMS Color Release information:

  • Green transactions can be executed immediately (the default for most settlement related deliveries)

  • Yellow transactions must be executed in the exact order specified

  • Red transactions can only be executed with a release command

Yellow/red releases are treated as new transactions during the forced RAD period.

Memo Seg

A yes/no indication that the position is memo segregated.

Region City

The city or region associated with the transaction.


The quantity of settlement shares in the transaction.


The settlement value amount of the transaction.


An indicator that specifies whether the position is free or valued.

Journal Type

The journal type code indicating Next Day, Same Day, or Original.


The action that the settlement represents: debit or credit.


An indication of whether this settlement transaction is original or generated.

CMO Factor

If present, the factor number (in NN.NNNNNNNNNNNN format) used to determine the face value of a collateralized mortgage obligation.


The input source of the transaction.

Inbound Component

The inbound component for this transaction.

Batch Number

The DTC batch number in which this transaction was processed.

Account Number

The account number associated with this transaction.

Due Bill

An indicator of whether a transaction is tracked for due bills.

Bill Category

The bill category associated with this transaction.

Tax Code

The three-digit code that indicates the tax treatment for this transaction.

Serial Number

The unique serial number generated by Investment ID for this position.

Sub Account

The ABA sub account associated with this transaction.