{4C7DE7FC-14AC-45EC-ADD1-9E4460BE5440}|{86C431BB-AF22-44EA-A45B-2FF921165934}20140811T0000002014{CE7BF804-05A4-432D-98A8-AF81F5307985}/-/media/Files/pdf/2014/8/11/GOV055-14.pdf{ABB852BC-B6C9-4F97-A5B6-355C7B4FC11F}Submission of Rule Filing SR-FICC-2014-01— To establish an early unwind intraday charge in
connection with the inclusion of GCF Repo® positions in GSD’s intraday Clearing Fund
requirement, and GSD’s internal surveillance cycles.Submission of Rule Filing SR-FICC-2014-01— To establish an early unwind intraday charge inconnection with the inclusion of GCF Repo® positions in GSD’s intraday Clearing Fundrequirement, and GSD’s internal surveillance cycles.