{BCAF55F3-4FFD-4FC7-A727-3638607CD415}|{FFE74B4C-83DC-426A-A918-1D03331C8D7C}20141013T0000002014{EE423BD1-EEAB-43A8-AC19-52679045DD14}/-/media/Files/pdf/2014/10/13/2032-14.pdf{ABB852BC-B6C9-4F97-A5B6-355C7B4FC11F}Optional Dividend: Banco Santander S.A.
CUSIP: 05964H105 Record Date: 10/17/14 Payable date:11/13/14 Rate: 0.15 Euro per share equivalent to approximately $0.146774 USD per ADR
DTC EDS Cut-Off: 10/24/14 at 8:00 P.M. New York time
Optional Dividend: Banco Santander S.A.CUSIP: 05964H105 Record Date: 10/17/14 Payable date:11/13/14 Rate: 0.15 Euro per share equivalent to approximately $0.146774 USD per ADRDTC EDS Cut-Off: 10/24/14 at 8:00 P.M. New York time