Optional Dividend: Dassault ADR CUSIP: 237545108
Record Date: 06/02/15 Payable Date: 07/02/2015
Rate: $0.43 Euro per share, which equates to an approximate gross rate of $0.474419 USD per share
DTC Instructions Cut-Off: 06/11/15 at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Optional Dividend: Dassault ADR CUSIP: 237545108Record Date: 06/02/15 Payable Date: 07/02/2015 Rate: $0.43 Euro per share, which equates to an approximate gross rate of $0.474419 USD per shareDTC Instructions Cut-Off: 06/11/15 at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)