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DTC Risk Controls

DTC employs risk management controls to protect against a participant’s failure to settle. The Equity Risk team is responsible for monitoring DTC’s risk controls throughout the day to ensure:

  • each participant’s posted collateral is equal to or greater than its Net Debit Balance, as managed through DTC’s Collateral Monitor.
  • each participant’s net debit settlement balance remains at or below its assigned Net Debit Cap.
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Collateral Monitor

DTC’s Collateral Monitor:

  • tracks a participant’s collateral sufficiency to cover its settlement obligation.
  • prevents completion of transactions that would cause the participant’s net debit settlement balance to exceed its available collateral.
  • applies a percentage haircut to the collateral’s market value.

Collateral haircuts are determined by factors such as security type, ratings, market price, and security exchange listing. Haircuts are at least as conservative as the haircuts set under DTC’s committed line of credit, so that collateral will be sufficient to secure a borrowing if necessary.

Intraday price declines are monitored, and intraday prices and/or haircut adjustments may be made effective immediately. Daily backtesting and stress testing is conducted to determine haircut sufficiency and Collateral Monitor adequacy.

Collateral Monitor

Net Debit Cap

DTC’s Net Debit Cap limits the net debit settlement balance a participant can incur.

  • the maximum Net Debit Cap for any participant is $2.15BN - based on the participant’s three largest debit peaks average over a rolling 70-business day period.
  • the maximum Net Debit Cap for an affiliated family of participants is $2.85BN.

Transactions causing a participant’s net debit settlement balance to exceed its assigned Net Debit Cap will pend. Settlement funds may be sent intraday to DTC’s account at the Federal Reserve to lift the pend order and permit the transactions to process.

Net Debit Cap


DTC Haircut Schedule

Haircut Schedule

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Settlement Service Guide

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