The VaR Public Calculator provides market participants with the ability to calculate potential margin obligations associated with becoming a member of FICC-GSD on a simulated portfolio, for given positions and market value, using FICC’s Value at Risk (VaR) methodology.
VaR is a widely used risk management concept in the financial services industry and is the primary component of GSD’s Clearing Fund requirements. The calculator considers factors such as historical data, volatility, and confidence levels to estimate VaR, increasing market transparency.
The Cross-Margining enhancement to the VaR calculator enables users to estimate the potential benefit on a sample portfolio containing GSD cash positions and CME Futures by providing information solely based on FICC’s methodology. Participants can determine whether they can take advantage of greater margin savings and reduce costs on a combined portfolio, including eligible positions at GSD and future contracts. Traders can also calculate all available margins across multiple accounts using portfolio management to offset trades, which helps with capital efficiencies and reduces the need for unnecessary position liquidation.
The Repo Calculator enhancement to the VaR calculator estimates repo volatility charges by providing users the ability to understand the risk associated with interest rate movement in preparations for the June 30, 2026, U.S. Treasury Clearing repo requirement. This will help people understand VaR methodology, of which the repo volatility represents a haircut, meaning remaining risk is the interest component on a Repo which is subject to interest rate movement.
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