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Register for SPR

Security Position Reports from The Depository Trust Company (DTC) provide issuers, trustees and authorized third-party agents with valuable information on the position holdings of DTC participants in the issuer’s security as of a specified time period.

New Company Registration

Please complete the New Company Registration if your firm has not previously registered for our Security Position Reports (SPR) web service.

This initial registration must be submitted by an officer of your firm whose role can be verified by DTC on your firm’s website or within your firm’s SEC filings. If you are an officer, but DTC cannot verify you as such, please have an officer whose title is identifiable via your firm’s website or SEC filing send written authorization in the form of a signed and dated letter on company letterhead to [email protected], verifying your title and complete contact information. This requirement ensures your firm’s security position information is obtained only by those appropriately entitled.

Once DTC approves your registration, you will automatically be provisioned with the role of Officer Coordinator. As an Officer Coordinator you have access to the full range of activities within SPR, including the ability to authorize additional users (please see the FAQs on registration for further details).

To register your organization and sign-up as an Officer Coordinator for your company, click here.

New User Registration

DTC recommends that each firm have multiple users to ensure uninterrupted access to SPR. If your company is already registered for SPR and needs to add additional users, please have them complete the New User Registration. (Note: As long as there is an active Officer Coordinator for your firm, additional users do not need to be officers. However, to avoid possible future delays or interruptions in access, it is advised that multiple officers are registered.

A New User Registration request must include your Company ID, which is generated by DTC upon the initial New Company Registration. If you do not know your Company ID, please email [email protected] requesting this information.

You must register as a “Coordinator” or “Operator.” Coordinator level access allows a user to undertake the full range of activities within SPR, while Operator level access offers a more limited scope of activities. Please see the FAQs on registration for further details. (Note: Companies can have more than one Officer, Coordinator or Operator registered at the same time.)

If the new user registration is submitted by an officer of your firm who is identifiable via your corporate website or an SEC filing, then no further documentation is necessary. If the new user is not an officer, an email authorizing this new user’s access must be sent by an existing Officer Coordinator to [email protected] for DTC to review and approve.

To register as a New User, click here.
