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Corporate Actions Messaging Specifications for ISO 20022 are intended as an implementation overview for both technical and business experts. DTCC uses the ISO 20022 Corporate Actions Message format for its Corporate Actions Announcements, Entitlements and Allocations, Instructions and Meetings data.  DTCC provides messaging specifications for the standard ISO 20022 message and when applicable, its proprietary Extension component.  The specification zip files contain the following folders, when applicable:

  1. Message Usage Guidelines/Excel: documents that present the logical layout of the message XML schema. There are separate documents for each XML schema -- one for ISO ‘core’ standard message, and one for supplementary data (extension) that embeds in the standard message. The document shows the elements that will be used in the message; elements that will not be used are marked as “removed”. The document also contains DTCC market practice usage for each element e.g. DTCC definitions, annotations, rules, as well as DTCC synonyms that are the DTCC names of the elements used in browser and Data Dictionary.
  2. Message Usage Guidelines/pdf: Similar to the Excel document, the PDF version provides an alternative format showing the message structure, message building blocks, message components, message data types and restrictions summarization.
  3. DTCC extension schemas: a plain XML schema for DTCC extensions.
  4. ISO 20022 Unrestricted Schemas

ISO 20022 messages undergo annual change maintenance each November via a “Standards Release” or “SR”. Note: There are multiple message types within each of the four message categories in the table below.

Please download and unzip the files. 

Message Categories SR 2023 - Deployed on November 19, 2023
Business Application Header Message Specifications (Updated March 6, 2020)
Announcements  Message Specifications (Updated June 26, 2023)
Entitlements and Allocations  Message Specifications (Updated June 26, 2023)
Elective Dividend Instructions  Message Specifications (Updated March 8, 2023)
Voluntary Reorganization Instructions  Message Specifications (Updated March 8, 2024)
Meeting Proxy  Message Specifications (Updated March 8, 2023)

Message Categories SR 2024 - Deployed on November 17, 2024
Business Application Header Message Specifications (Updated March 6, 2020)
Announcements  Message Specifications (Updated June 28, 2024)
Entitlements and Allocations  Message Specifications (Updated April 5, 2024)
Elective Dividend Instructions  Message Specifications (Updated June 28, 2024)
Voluntary Reorganization Instructions  Message Specifications (Updated August 22, 2024)
Meeting Proxy  Message Specifications (Updated March 20, 2024)


Note that schemas for the standard ISO MX messages can be found on or in MyStandards.

User Guides: ISO 20022 Messaging

Getting Started - Announcements and Data Model (Updated May 1, 2019)

Lifecycle: Entitlements and Allocations


