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Risk management entails effective and timely identification, measurement, monitoring, escalation and mitigation of risk exposures for the DTCC enterprise, its stakeholders and the global clearance and settlement system. Risk mitigation is viewed by DTCC as primary among its responsibilities and is therefore a central focus of the organization.

The globalization of financial markets, the evolving market landscape and the continued development of technology make risk management increasingly complex and critical. The commitment of DTCC to the centrality of risk management is evident in values embedded throughout the organization, from operations and business lines up through senior management. DTCC places great emphasis on risk awareness as key to company culture. DTCC has a core set of common principles and processes across its subsidiaries for identifying, assessing, measuring, monitoring, mitigating and reporting risks.


Responsible for the strategic direction and monitoring of risk management at DTCC


Management of stress testing and liquidity risk exposures

Management of market risk exposures


Management of counterparty credit risk exposures


Management of operational and IT and information security risk exposures

GTR 10th Anniversary - White Paper

Identification, monitoring and containment of systemic threats
