Supported Browsers
Effective Date: August 17th, 2021
DTCC actively supports the following browsers on the listed operating systems:
The standalone version of Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported internally as of April 15th, 2022. DTCC advises clients to use MS Edge with the IE mode for IE dependency URLs.
Other Browsers
Other browsers that are not in the Supported Browser matrix above may work with DTCC’s web sites and applications. However, they have not been tested and certified to be compatible which means DTCC will not provide support for them.
DTCC’s Supported Browser
This Supported Browser matrix and FAQ can be accessed here:
DTCC will actively support the Browsers in the Supported Browser matrix above. To ensure the best possible customer experience, we test new releases of our externally-facing websites and web applications with the versions of the browsers and on the Operating Systems listed in the matrix above, on the release build generally available from the browser vendor at the time of testing. Later minor updates of the same browser version may not be tested but are also supported.
DTCC’s web applications have been tested and are certified to work with at least one of the Supported Browsers. In certain cases, a particular application may have not yet been enhanced to support both Supported Browsers.
Other browsers and other versions of the actively Supported Browsers may also be compatible with DTCC’s websites and web applications, however DTCC may not test or remediate known compatibility issues with them.
DTCC will assess new versions of the Supported Browsers within 6 months of their General Availability release, and make a new version available for internal web application testing within 4.5 months of a decision to Actively Support a browser or version. In the ordinary course of business, DTCC will continue to support the designated Supported Browsers for up to 1 year following changes to this designation to allow time for users to move to newly designated actively-supported browsers or versions.
DTCC will review the list of supported browsers at least annually and communicate material changes to Clients and other end users.
Recommendations for Browser Configuration
While we don’t recommend a specific browser, we do have some suggestions for secure, simplified usage:
Use the latest supported version of one of the secure browsers listed in the matrix above
Certain DTCC web applications may render more effectively in MS Edge's Internet Explorer Mode. For help, please see the FAQs below.
Browser FAQs
Update your computer with the latest security patches available from the vendor
- Enable TLS 1.2 or later encryption
- Enable JavaScript
- Accept browser cookies
- How do I know if my browser will work with DTCC’s websites and applications?
All DTCC websites and web applications have been tested to work with one or both of the Supported Browsers listed at the top of this document. If your current browser does not work properly with our website or application, please try one of the Supported Browsers.
- What browser settings do I need to use DTCC's websites and applications?
DTCC requires that the Supported Browsers be configured to enable TLS 1.2 encryption, JavaScript and browser cookies. A lower protocol will only be used if the server negotiates it.
In Chrome, type chrome://settings/ into the Location bar, or select the Settings commend from the command menu, to display Chrome’s Settings page. Then scroll to Advanced settings, or select advanced settings from the page menu:

For MS Edge's IE mode, such settings are managed by the organization.
- Why do I need to upgrade my browser?
The browser providers (Microsoft and Google) regularly update their browser products to improve the security and stability of the browsers. Using up-to-date browser versions can help keep your computer and your data safe from malicious online threats.
- What do I do if my browser is not supported?
DTCC recommends using one of the Supported Browsers as the best way to access our websites and applications.
Many modern browsers may work with DTCC’s applications and websites, however if your browser is not currently supported by DTCC, you will need to explore adopting one of our supported browsers in order to avoid service disruption.
- How do I know if my online session is encrypted?
Modern browsers including MS Edge and Chrome indicate within the browser’s address bar whether the session is encrypted. Secure sessions typically use a secure version of the web protocol, HTTPS; if this is displayed in the address bar at the start of the URL, the session uses encryption.
Additionally, both Chrome and MS Edge indicate within the Location bar whether the session is secure. Chrome has a dropdown at the left edge of the Location bar; in MS Edge this indicator is on the right side, this does not change if you are using the IE mode. Regardless of the browser, you will need to click on the lock icon indicator to reveal the level of security of the session you are in:
In Google Chrome:
In MS Edge and IE mode:
- How can I find out more about your privacy and security policy?
Please see:
- How can I get more information about the Supported Browsers?
Please contact DTCC’s Client Support organizations, or your Relationship Manager. Details about a specific web application may be available from the DTCC Product team that manages the web application. For DTCC Support, please see the Client Center,
- How do I disable Enterprise group policy settings?
If you are still seeing the compliance alert pop-up on the portal, after complying to test the 2 supported browsers, this could because the configuration is set through an I.T. group policy that is not visible or accessible by you. Please contact your IT support group to have any DTCC URLs removed from the Enterprise site lists. DTCC applications must run in native mode or IE Mode.
- How can I enable or disable IE mode in MS Edge ?
The IE mode feature will load IE 11 in an individual tab in MS Edge, this tab becomes the IE browser for any site that needs the specific rendering format of IE.
Please review the following link for more specifics on understanding and using the IE mode from MS Edge:
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