Watch these videos to obtain key takeaways on the post-trade landscape.
Understanding the Regional Impact for T+1
With less than a year to go before the implementation of T+1 settlement in the U.S., the time to prepare for the transition is now. Aside from leveraging technology, people, and processes to drive settlement efficiencies in a T+1 world, there are also regional nuances such as managing time-zone differences and foreign exchange trades to contemplate.
In less than 5 minutes, Val Wotton, Managing Director and General Manager, Institutional Trade Processing, DTCC, discusses the impact of T+1 on Asia and the key considerations to assess in your preparation journey. Watch the video.
APAC Derivatives Reporting Rule Rewrites – What to Know
As the global trade reporting landscape is undergoing a wave of rules revisions, regulators in Japan, Australia, and Singapore will also be rolling out regulatory changes to produce a more consistent and accurate set of data to achieve greater transparency and risk monitoring in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets. Ensuring compliance will involve a thorough review and understanding of the magnitude of changes, the challenges, and the risks. It is thus critical that adequate planning and resources are available to support and meet the new regulatory requirements.
Chris Childs, Managing Director and Head of Repository & Derivatives Services at DTCC, shares recommendations on how in-scope firms can prepare.
Watch the video.