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DTCC’s Keisha Bell Named One of Diversity Woman Magazine’s “Elite 100”

By DTCC Connection Staff | 2 minute read | February 7, 2023

DTCC’s Keisha Bell, Managing Director and Head of Diverse Talent Management and Advancement, has been named to the Diversity Woman Elite 100 Class of 2023. The prestigious honor is given to “100 powerhouse women executives and C-suite leaders who are beating the odds to rise to the upper echelons of Corporate America.”

Related: DTCC's Keisha Bell joins the Beyond Barriers podcast

Diversity Woman Magazine shared that her identification and experiences as an African American, a woman, and an out lesbian have shaped her approach to diversity and inclusion and her career as a change agent.

“I am so honored to be included in this list. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) work is not easy. Every accomplishment brings a multitude of setbacks. Once you think you have broken through, another obstacle materializes. If you are lucky, you have like-minded colleagues and a network of women like the warriors on this list, most of whom I admire and mimic,” shared Bell. “Thank you, Diversity Woman Media, for seeing and acknowledging us. Thank you, Dr. Sheila Robinson, for shining a light on black women who are determined to make the workplace more equitable.”

Bell is responsible for recruiting talent and developing DTCC’s next generation of leaders through focused sponsorships and talent advancement strategies. She partners with business leaders to identify diverse talent across all levels of the organization focusing on their growth and mobility, and with Human Resources to ensure diversity and inclusion are fully integrated into working practices. Additionally, Keisha leads Corporate Philanthropy and Social Responsibility for DTCC.

About Diversity Woman Media

Rooted by our business-focused editorial content, Diversity Woman Media is designed for women like you — business leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs of all races, cultures, and backgrounds. Our woman-owned media company has evolved over 15 years from powerful content focused on leadership advancement to now leveraging additional empowerment programs for all professional women in the workplace.

Recognized as a leading, multi-platform professional and executive leadership development enterprise that advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion, our nationally-recognized portfolio is comprised of three-core areas: Publications (Diversity Woman Magazine and Inclusion Magazine), Leadership Development Academy Workshops, and National Conferences (Diversity Woman Digital; the National Diversity Women’s Business Leadership Conference;  Business Leaders Women in Tech Conference;  Inclusion Innovation Leadership Summit; and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Conference).

Built upon shared experiences, our Diversity Women’s businesswomen's network and membership directory provide a forum for established and aspiring women in leadership roles, including mobility of all women and marginalized professionals. We work to empower you as a leader to achieve your career goals through real-world experiences with sage advice, information, and mentorship.

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