Valentino (Val) Wotton is Managing Director and General Manager of NSCC’s Equity Clearing, DTC’s
Settlement Service and DTCC’s Institutional Trade Processing (ITP). In this role, he oversees equity
clearing for trades executed on major U.S. exchanges and other equity trading venues and the central
securities depository which completes the transfer between trading parties of securities and cash. He also
leads the firm’s global middle-office trade processing solutions, including CTM, ALERT and TradeSuite ID.
Working closely with his global team, clients, industry organizations and his peers, Val focuses on setting
business strategy, growing and enhancing services, and delivering increased value to clients, enabling
them to meet evolving operational, risk and regulatory compliance demands such as global accelerated
settlement efforts. Additionally, Val is the Regional Administrative Manager for DTCC EMEA, Chairman of
the DTCC EMEA Operating Committee, and a voting member on the DTCC ITP LLC Board.
Prior to this role, Val was Managing Director of Product Development and Strategy, Repository and
Derivatives Services, where he was responsible for overseeing the firm’s Global Trade Repository (GTR),
Trade Information Warehouse (TIW) and Report Hub services.
Before DTCC, Val served as Global Head of Markets, Post-Trade Services and Europe Markets Operations
at Barclays, with oversight for all post-trade processing including U.S. and internal securities settlement and
asset servicing. Previously, Val held several senior roles at Citigroup.
During his career, Val has served on several Boards and Committees, including DTCC’s Deriv/SERV
Board, LCH OTC Deriv Net, and the International Swaps & Derivatives Organization’s (ISDA) Market
Infrastructure & Technology Committee (MITOC).
Val holds a Bachelor of Law (with French) degree from Nottingham Trent University.