Participant Information and Efficiency Report (P.I.E.R.) provides a monthly summary of a firm’s DTCC utilization activity.
Participant Information and Efficiency Report (P.I.E.R.) provides a monthly summary of a firm’s Insurance & Retirement Services (I&RS) utilization activity. This report displays the firm’s trading relationships and transactional volume activity totals by product. For products having a money settlement component, the report includes the firm’s gross settlement amount for a given month.
Who Can Use This Service
Insurance carriers, broker/dealers, banks, insurance agencies and other firms that are I&RS participants are eligible for the free monthly P.I.E.R. service.
With PIER, users receive:
- Monthly Transaction Volume by Product -- a tabular and graphical representation of firm’s monthly transaction volume by individual product.
- Top 10 Trading Relationships by Product -- based on volume, separate reports will be produced for APP/SUB, COM, FAR, IFT, LNA, POV and STL. Reports will summarize firm’s top 10 trading relationships based on transactional volume for latest rolling 12 months of activity.
- Top 10 Trading Relationships by Settled Amount -- separate reports will be produced for APP/SUB, COM and STL summarizing firm’s top 10 trading relationships based on settlement amount for the latest rolling 12 months of activity.
- COM Transactional Volume vs. Money Settlement -– a graphical representation of firm’s Commissions transactional volume vs. money settlement for the latest rolling 12 months of activity.
- APP and SUB Transactional Volume vs. Money Settlement -- a graphical representation of firm’s Applications and Subsequent Premiums transactional volume vs. money settlement for the latest rolling 12 months of activity.
- LNA Transactional Volume -- a graphical representation of firm’s initial and additional Licensing & Appointments transactional volume for the latest rolling 12 months of activity.
- LNA Monthly Transaction Volume (Transaction Type Changes) -- a graphical representation of firm’s monthly LNA transactional ‘change’ volume.
- ACATS/IPS Monthly Summary -- monthly summaries of firm’s deliver and receive ACATS activity.
- ACATS/IPS Top 5 BIN Top 5 REP -- monthly report summarizing firm’s top 5 trading relationships based on ACATS BIN and REP transaction activity.
How the Service Works
Using DTCC WebDirect, a firm’s authorized Access Coordinator can establish PIER access for firms’ employees. P.I.E.R. will be available monthly, free of charge to member firms (generally on the 5th business day of each month).
For More Information
Contact Client Support, 1-888-382-2721, Option 5 then Option 4 or [email protected].
This description is for informational purposes only. This Service is governed by applicable Rules, Procedures, and Service Guides for each DTCC subsidiary, which contain the full terms, conditions, and limitations applicable to this Service.