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Phase 3: Developing your I&RS interface


This section provides you with the requirement details needed to set up your system to efficiently interface with the I&RS system and the various I&RS products it supports. If at any time technical support is required, please contact the DTCC Customer Service Group.

The I&RS System Environment

The I&RS system runs on the IBM mainframe in DTCC’s Data Centers. It uses the protocols TCP/IP and SNA and the file transfer methods NDM and FTP for transmitting all input via DataTrak and all output via AutoRoute. DTCC maintains multiple processing sites in the event of a computer site failure. DataTrak, AutoRoute facilitate multi-site data storage and related application programs facilitate multi-site storage of any other files maintained.

I&RS System Workflow

The I&RS system provides Multi-batch access. The system validates your status as a Multi-batch and/or Multi-cycle subscriber prior to each data transmission to include B2B processing.

Multi-batch/Multi-cycle Access

‘Multi-batch’ means that you have the option of submitting files (of one or more transactions) to NSCC more than once a day and that you are set-up to take more than one file a day from NSCC. ‘Multi-cycle’ refers to the fact that I&RS processes more than one run per day, at preset times, for each business event in I&RS.

If you decide to process via Multi-batch, you are permitted to submit as many files a day, of any authorized I&RS business event transaction, you choose, in accordance with the processing cycle described earlier. Input data is accepted at any time but will be processed at the next available input cycle. Output is produced during times specified in the processing schedule.

Multi-batch/Multi-cycle participants receive output from I&RS after each scheduled process runs during the day. However, note that empty files, where no transactions were generated for the given business day, are not transmitted to participants unless participants request this option. The data is segregated by product but will combine multiple submitters.

Multi-batch/Multi-cycle participants are not required to process more than once a day to generate responses to I&RS. However, as a multi-batch/multi-cycle participant, you would be required to receive output several times during the day for reject processing. You could elect to receive all other data once daily.

DataTrak (Inbound To NSCC)

The system automatically handles receipt of batch data and its transmission to application systems. DataTrak retains all data submitted at several processing sites. If recovery is needed at any time during the day, DataTrak can process the necessary input files from the other site, which is available as a hot backup.

AutoRoute (Outbound From NSCC)

The AutoRoute system to processes all data distributed from the DTCC Data Center. For each service used by NSCC clients, one or more application files may be available. Transmissions from AutoRoute are consolidated whenever possible, with rejects sent first, followed by acceptances as defined by the underlying application.

AutoRoute provides a Standard Header record for each report or file. This record is generally the same size as the data records contained within the report or file. Participants have the option to request that the header record be omitted.

Note: Backup of data is provided by multiple site-redundant systems. External auditors certify recovery procedures and periodic off-site recovery tests are held.

Developing Your I&RS Interface DTCC Server:

The DTCC Server is a web service provided by DTCC which routes XML-based interactive transaction messages from sender to recipient. The DTCC Server acts as a message transfer hub which can handle requests and responses from all participating counterparties. The DTCC Server provides a software service that connects to both sender and receiver.

In addition to providing the service, DTCC's role is to standardize communication formats, protocols, and security mechanisms allowing firms to interact with each other in real time. The Server provides for an open message standard architecture, allowing any number of firms to register for this service.

Record Layouts and Standard Usage

The NSCC proprietary layouts present data in fixed length records that are 200 or 300 bytes long, depending on the I&RS product.  All input data must follow the proper sequencing and looping structure diagrammed in the record layouts.  Each product has a record layout that specifies looping structures, field definitions, field lengths, record types, field validation rules, data dictionaries and reject codes.  Please note that the use of optional fields will depend on participant requirements and arrangements between trading partners.

To access the record layouts, please click here.

Additional validation rules are defined by industry working groups. Though the rules are not validated by I&RS systems, they represent the standard industry recommended processes and should be adhered to during development.

To access the standard usage documents, please click here: Standard Usage

IMPORTANT: Follow these standards when submitting your data to the system. NSCC follows strict edit criteria when editing these formats.

I&RS releases two enhancements each year in March and September. I&RS will notify you of changes with ample time to test and implement the changes. To view upcoming enhancements and draft layout, please click here.

I&RS Batch Availability & Processing Times

The system is accessible from 2:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. (ET), Monday through Friday and 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday. I&RS accepts input from carriers, broker/dealers, banks, etc. at any time during the operating day and validates it upon receipt. The system sends rejects back to the submitter and transmits accepted data to the receiving parties at the next scheduled output cycle.

Note: The Test system is not available on Saturdays.

All of the I&RS products have unique processing schedules.  For a listing fo each products cycle times, please refer to these documents:

Money Settlement

An aggregated Money Settlement Summary file (MSS) will be sent to participants with a net credit or debit amount for that day.  I&RS will transmit the MSS file to participants at approximately 2:30 p.m. ET. There is no money settlement on Saturdays and holidays, including bank holidays on which the New York Stock Exchange is open.I&RS Transactions due to settle on New York State bank holidays settle on the next business day.

For this year’s holdiday processing, please click the following link:

COM, APP/SUB, and LNA files received after cut-off times will be processed on the next settling business day. Settlement will take place on the next settlement day. If a non-settling business day is listed in the file as the settlement date on a transaction, the transaction will be rejected. If the settlement date is blank, the I&RS system will settle the transaction on the next valid settlement date. The settlement date on the MSD output accurately reflects the actual settlement date.

The system then generates Money Settlement Details (MSD) for each pending I&RS transaction with money settling through NSCC that day. You will receive a separate MSD file for COM, APP/SUB, and LNA. The single settlement figure for all transactions for each participant is passed to the Money Settlement System (MSS).

Note: NSCC's Money Settlement System can be used across all NSCC Settling products.

Phase 1: Choosing Your Connectivity Option

Phase 2: Selecting your I&RS products

Phase 3: Developing your I&RS interface

Phase 4: Testing

Phase 5: Resolution Center
